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Schism: The Meaning and Causes of Religious Division


Religion, a powerful force in human society, has often been the catalyst for both unity and division. When disagreements over doctrine or practices arise within a religious community, it can lead to a schism, a separation or division into two or more distinct groups.

The Meaning of Schism

The term "schism" is derived from the Greek word "schizein," meaning "to split or divide." In a religious context, a schism refers to a profound disagreement that results in the formation of a new religious group. The dividing line can be based on theological differences, interpretations of scripture, or administrative issues.

Historical Causes of Schism

Throughout history, numerous factors have contributed to religious schisms. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Doctrinal disputes: Differences in beliefs and interpretations of religious texts can lead to a schism if they are not resolved through dialogue and compromise.
  • Power struggles: When individuals or groups seek to assert their authority within a religious organization, it can lead to conflict and division.
  • Political influences:

  • External pressures and political interventions can sometimes exacerbate religious differences and contribute to schism.
  • Cultural factors:

  • Differences in cultural practices and social norms can influence religious beliefs and lead to schism.
